Friday, December 23, 2011

Polly Wants Nothing to do With Me

A few weeks ago I had a conversation with one of my neighbors and her bird. This woman's house is behind mine, and her bird wakes me up every single morning at about seven o'clock. Other than this bird, things are relatively quiet around my house. I had been sitting with her for a few minutes when she asked if I could write papers (like a passport) for her bird and take it to America. I did not want to be rude and ask if she was crazy, so I said, "Maybe." She then proceeded to tell me that the bird will talk to me and ask me questions and I need to answer him when he does. As I was looking in the tree above us for the bird, I asked her where the bird was. Her response was "Ma sabi sei. Kande hen go a pei ma hen o ko bakka." Translation" "I don't know. Maybe he went out, but he'll come back." I had to hold in my laughter for the duration of this conversation. 

A few days after our conversation I went back to try and talk to the bird. The lady was wrong. The bird did not ask me questions, so I tried talking to him. I wish I could say that the bird was simply ignoring me, but that's not true. As I stood under the tree talking to the bird, the bird climbed higher and higher up the branches. To which my neighbor said, "Oh he's scared of you because you're white." This cannot be real life. An animal is afraid of me because I am white. I've already had to deal with most children crying at the site of me, and now a bird? Geez. I would like to say that the babies and toddlers of Malobi are making great strides in accepting my white skin. I get more hugs than I do screams, and that is a huge improvement.

Now, if only this bird weren't hurting my ego. 

I literally had to sneak attack this bird for this picture. It kept running away from me. Not kidding. 

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