Monday, October 3, 2011


I wasn't as excited as I wanted to be to go back to site. I was not dreading it, I just felt very neutral and indifferent. After a long day of travel I finally reached Malobi. A lot of the ladies that live around me were away knocking rice. I walked over to meet them, and I was greeted with lots of hugs and yells of excitement for my return. That definitely helped my mood. That same night I was sitting at a neighbor's house with her and some of the kids I hang out with. I was showing them what I've always been told is, "how a horse eats a pumpkin." I was tickling their knees and they thought it was the funniest thing ever. They kept sticking their knees out to me and falling out laughing. Their laughter was infections, and I had to stop myself from crying at the preciousness of it all. I wish I could bottle their laughter up to listen to when days are hard. I have never spent this much time being around children and holding babies. It is strange that I am this attached to them.

My new best friends at site started school today. They are six. I am so upset that I am not there to see them get on the boat or to take a picture of them in their new school uniforms. I wanted to be there when they got home from school with popcorn and juice for them. I am overwhelmed with excitement for these children as they begin their education.

I arrived in the city this past Wednesday after only spending about a week at site. I will be here until the middle of October for Early Service Training. I am really excited to be in the city with all of the other volunteers.

On my way in to the city, I was in Atjoni, waiting for a bus to take me to the city. This little girl was sitting beside me, and insisted on braiding my hair. Aaah the things that happen in my life these days. How many times have you been sitting anywhere and a child that you do not know asked to braid your hair? Hilarious.

There were also eighteen people in my van to the city, but that's another story. I am looking forward to enjoying my time in the city with fast food, and being more excited to return to Malobi in mid-October.

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